Support Non-traditional Students’ Path to Graduation
How does StraighterLine help colleges and universities reach and inspire today's ever-changing, diverse student populations? We have extensive expertise in helping non-traditional students and adult learners succeed.
Who exactly is a StraighterLine student?
- Over 51% of our students are age 30 or older
- 81% of our students are employed -- 62% of them full-time
- 44% of our students have a child between 5-18 years of age in their household

View a complete breakdown of our student demographics, including such data points as gender, household income, highest level of education, and race/ethnicity.
Dedicated to student success, StraighterLine partners with higher ed institutions to improve retention and admit more college-ready students. Our pathway programs help pre-college, at-risk, and stopped-out students save money, return, and achieve degree completion.